Meeting Title: Guide to Writing Requirements Version 4
Presenter Name: Lou Wheatcraft
Date: Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Time: 11:00am-12:00pm EDT (3:00pm-4:00pm UTC)
INCOSE Webinar 168 Invitation
Requirements (GtWR) is now in the INCOSE Store as well as an update to the 7-page GtWR Summary Sheet. The practice of systems engineering is evolving and so must the definition and management of needs and requirements. This new update represents this evolution in how we view needs and requirements across the lifecycle. During this presentation, Lou will provide an overview of the updated GtWR and the changes that were made along with a brief overview of the RWG and the other RWG products including the Needs and Requirements Manual (NRM), Guide to Needs and Requirements GtNR), Guide to Verification and Validation (GtVV), and newly released version 4 of the Guide to Writing Requirements (GtWR) and how they relate to each other, the INCOSE SE HB v5, and the SEBOK.
Lou Wheatcraft is a senior consultant and managing member of Wheatland Consulting, LLC. Lou is an internationally recognized expert in systems engineering with a focus on needs, requirements definition and management and verification and validation across the system lifecycle. Lou has over 50 years’ experience in systems engineering, including 22 years in the United States Air Force. Lou has taught over 200 requirement seminars over the last 23 years. Lou supports clients from government and industries involved in developing and managing systems and products including aerospace, defense, medical devices, consumer goods, transportation, and energy. Lou is very active in the International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and is a past chair and current co-chair of the Requirements Working Group (RWG). Lou is a principal author of several RWG manuals and guides including the Needs and Requirements Manual (NRM), Guide to Needs and Requirements GtNR), Guide to Verification and Validation (GtVV), and newly released version 4 of the Guide to Writing Requirements (GtWR).
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