SEQM WG: Quality Management Institute Training – Cohort 4

    Topic: Quality Management Institute Training – Cohort 4

    Date: 5 September 2023

    Time:  3:30 PM EDT

    Location: Virtual

    To register, send an email to and include your name and INCOSE member number (which you can find in your profile). 

    Click here to download the Invitation for SEQM & QMI Training – Cohort 4

    Click here to download the SEQM & QMI Training – Schedule

    Click here to download the SEQM & QMI Training – Overview


    The Quality Management Institute (QMI) curriculum is a comprehensive online and face-to-face professional education program designed to validate and advance our organizational values, process knowledge, and collaboration skills needed to uphold our brand promise guarantee to our customers, stakeholders and ourselves. The program is designed to integrate human competencies with engineering and business processes in an intelligent system of quality management.

    The course is aligned with the latest updates to the INCOSE Handbook in the area of Quality Management. Complete information about the course, along with the schedule is posted at To register, just send an email to and include your name and INCOSE member number (which you can find in your profile described above).

    The course is open to all INCOSE members of the SEQM Working Group, including brand-new ones, so feel free to forward this announcement to your chapters, groups and teams that may have interest in Quality Management training.