Speaker(s): Casey Medina
Date: Saturday, 18 November 2023
Venue: Hybrid via Zoom
Time: 08:00 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Members ($40 USD): https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/CAV925VMG9JDC
Non-members ($70 USD): https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/VM76N7RX8P2MY
For registration by checks, please email Paul van Tulder for information.
On-line registration deadline is Thursday November 16th. Space is limited to 30 participants.
Click here to download the flyer: INCOSE Seattle MBSE Saturday Workshop Flyer
Exploring Advanced Topics in Modeling and Simulation with SysML – This hands-on, interactive workshop will employ Dassault’s Catia Magic Cyber Systems Engineer and Catia Magic Model Analyst (formerly known as Cameo) to build an executable model that demonstrates the power of simulation in describing a system of interest. We will build a Monte-Carlo analysis, together, from “scratch” that creates a framework for consistent analysis of non-trivial systems. While some SysML experience helps, it is not necessary to participate in this session.
Tool & Licenses: Studio SE has 20 Catia Magic licenses with simulation capability. Participants may use their own licenses, if they possess them. Any participant that needs a license will need to be able to access the Studio SE license server on the day of the training and will need to access our file share site to download and install the Dassault toolset. As the workshop nears, we will distribute instructions to the registered participants.
Casey Medina, CSEP, OCSMP: Owner Studio SE, dedicated to exemplary MBSE training. Casey is an experienced instructor and dynamic speaker. He and his staff work across industries to ensure companies have the skills they need to be successful in our contemporary, digital engineering, environment. He will review three uses of MBSE to explore simulation of a representative technical system.
His training programs are pragmatic and successfully transform individuals into effective practitioners. Casey and his staff have trained countless individuals to best practices in requirements engineering, MBSE methods, system architecture, risk management, human factors and usability, and verification and validation. Casey’s unique approach to systems engineering inspires teams to achieve the impact and influence they need to stay at the forefront of their technology and their markets.