Speaker(s): Dr. Ron Carson
Date: Saturday, 30 September 2023
Venue: The Edmonds Waterfront Center, 220 Railroad Ave, Edmonds WA 98020
Time: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Members: https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/CAV925VMG9JDC
Non- Members: https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/VM76N7RX8P2MY
Click here to download the flyer: Seattle Metro Chapter Requirements Seminar Flyer
This 4-hour tutorial will describe deterministic steps for developing validated requirements. The latest INCOSE Handbook and Requirements Guides will be discussed. A sample of the topics:
• Common Problems with requirements
• Requirements: What, why; requirements vs. needs • What is validation?
• Templates for requirements
•Deriving requirements from needs, measures of effectiveness, and life-cycle stages • Ensuring completeness of requirements
• Using architecture and MBSE to develop validated requirements
• Measuring requirements quality
Dr. Carson will be previewing the workshop at the Seattle Metro Chapter’s General meeting on Wednesday, September 27th at 6:00 pm. The meeting is in-person and virtual (https://incose-org.zoom.us/j/83572693038?pwd=TFl0TWJqb1hVa21LbS9lcTZSemZXZz09)
Dr. Ron Carson is a Fellow of the International Council on Systems Engineering, a certified Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP®) and has been an Adjunct Professor in Engineering at Seattle Pacific University (“System Design”), the University of Washington (“System Architecture and Model-Based Systems Engineering”), and the Missouri University of Science & Technology (“Systems Engineering Management”). He is currently a Course Facilitator for Certification Training International, training experienced and aspiring systems engineers to pass the INCOSE Systems Engineering Professional certification examination.