INCOSE Cleveland-Northern Ohio: August Chapter Meeting

    Meeting Title: Model Based Systems Engineering / History of the Ohio Canal

    Date:16 August 2023

    Venue: Boston Township Hall Cmte Inc 1775 Main Street Peninsula, OH 44264 

    : 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm EDT

    Registration required

    Click here to download Flyer: Cleveland-Northern Ohio August Meeting


    4:00 PM History of the Ohio Canal

    5:00 Dinner (self ordered-see registration)

    6:00 Model Based Systems Engineering Discussion

    7:00 Networking

    Meeting Description:
    Please join the INCOSE C-NO chapter as we welcome two special guests for this event. First, Rebecca Jones Macko from the National Park Service ( will provide a history of the Ohio and Erie Canals to kickoff the event, which takes place in Peninsula right at the site of a former lock on the Canal. Then, after dinner, Shira Nadile will update the chapter on Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) explaining the recent developments in this area at NASA, along with Q/A and discussion. Map: