Deze avond zijn we welkom bij Vanderlande Industries in Veghel voor een rondleiding door hun Innovation Center, gevolgd door een tweetal presentatie met betrekking tot Systems Engineering binnen Vanderlande Industries.
Vanderlande Industries is marktleider op het gebied van logistieke procesautomatisering voor vliegvelden en daarnaast een grote aanbieder van procesautomatiseringsoplossingen voor magazijnen en de pakketmarkt. De bagagesystemen van Vanderlander Industries verwerken wereldwijd zo’n 4 miljard stuks bagage per jaar, verdeeld over 600 vliegvelden. Daarnaast worden wereldwijd per dag zo’n 52 miljoen pakketjes gesorteerd op door Vanderlande Industries geleverde sorteersystemen.
Deze avond kan je testopstellingen bekijken van dergelijke systemen en kan je luisteren naar hoe Vanderlande Industries de Systems Engineering methodiek toepast bij de technische uitdagingen die het ontwerpen, bouwen en onderhouden van dergelijke systemen met zich mee brengen. De presentaties worden verzorgt door Arno van den Ham en Sergey Libert. Zie hieronder voor een korte introductie van beide heren en een toelichting op de presentaties.
Arno van den Ham
(Group Leader Engineering Project Leaders)
Active in Vanderlande since 2005 after completing my master Mechanical Engineering. During my Vanderlande journey which started as mechanical project engineer, I’ve been within different departments and different roles. Both as project engineer and project leader I’ve been responsible for the execution and delivery of several Warehousing systems throughout Europe. Then an intermezzo of 4 years of R&D where I was responsible for a large multidisciplinary group of development engineers. And finally re-joining engineering and arrived as group leader via some different market segments back in the Warehousing projects. My group has the responsibility of designing and deliver sub-(systems) up to a level were it will be merged with the IT component of our projects. this therefore includes all competences like mechanical, electrical and OT software in which the project leaders skills are heavily challenged, especially for the very large and complex projects in an international environment.
Sergey Libert
(Strategic Architect in Vanderlande Technology, department Architecture and Integration)
Sergey Libert was born in Tura (1973/Russia), studied Electro-Mechanical Engineering in Russia and IT and Electrical Engineering in Germany. He made his PhD in Mechanical Engineering 2011 in Dortmund, Germany.
Sergey started his Vanderlande carrier as Solution Architect for warehouse control systems in the customer project operations and was involved in the definition and initial design of the Vanderlande first microservice-based Warehouse Platform.
He used to work in different roles: as Requirements Engineer, System Architect, Product Owner, Business Architect. In the role of a Business Architect he contributed to establish the feature-driven way of working for Warehouse-Platform and to the definition of the STOREPICK Market Leading Concept (MLC).
Currently Sergey is leading business units and platforms overarching strategic architectural topics MBSE and Unlock the Value of Data.
Presentation abstract
Recently, Vanderlande decided to shift the focus from an engineer-to-order to a configure-to-order concept and create a portfolio of pre-defined products (modules) that can be customized and combined to customer specific solutions.
In this context, we see MBSE is a promissing method to reduce the complexity, improve communication and finally, speed-up the product development cycles.
However, the right ballance between the benefits (expected in the future), and the initial investments as well as the follow-up maintenance costs still need to be defined.
In this presentation, I would like to address several important challenges of our company regarding integration of the MBSE mindset and methods into the complex product development environment.
De avond wordt hybride georganiseerd, dus deelname vanf thuis is mogelijk. Aanmelden kan via deze link. Graag aangeven of je online wilt deelnemen of naar locatie komt, door te kiezen voor het juiste toegangsbewijs.
Wie op locatie wil deelnemen is welkom op de vestiging van Vanderlande Industries in Veghel. In verband het aanmelden van de deelnemers bij de beveiliging, vragen we je om dit uiterlijk maandag 14 juni 12.00u te doen.
17.15-18.45 Ontvangst met broodjes
17.30-18.30 Rondleiding Vanderlande Innovation Center
18.45-19.00 Online verbinding actief
19.00-19.15 Opening en mededelingen
19.15-21.00 Presentaties
21.00-22.00 Netwerkborrel