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INCOSE-NL workshop
Teun Hendriks

Teun Hendriks

System Architect TNO-ESI

Marcel Willems

Marcel Willems

Projectmanager Enexis

Frans Speelman

Frans Speelman

Lead Engineer Stedin

Accelerating the Energy Transition with Systems Engineering

15:00 – 16:30


The INCOSE-NL SIG Energy focuses on the role of Systems Engineering (SE) in advancing the energy transition in the Netherlands. This transition involves significant challenges as the country shifts from a fossil fuel-based energy system to one that relies more on renewable sources. To meet public policy demands for CO2 reduction by around 2035, a massive upscaling of the energy infrastructure is required. This endeavor necessitates substantial engineering efforts and personnel to implement critical system-wide changes, such as transitioning from demand-driven to supply-driven energy distribution. 

Key challenges include upgrading infrastructure, integrating intermittent renewable sources into the grid, and increasing digitalization to optimize available capacity. Policies that incentivize demand flexibility among energy users will also play a crucial role. 

How can Systems Engineering help accelerate the energy transition? 

In this session, we will first briefly present the scope and topics discussed by INCOSE-NL SIG Energy. The majority of the session will be dedicated to an interactive road mapping workshop where participants will: 

  • Identify areas where SE can support the energy transition, 
  • Determine what is needed from SE to create an integrated energy system solution, 
  • Share best practices and lessons learned in SE for energy systems, particularly for Transmission System Operators (TSO) and Distribution System Operators (DSO). 

 The targeted outcome of this workshop is a collective overview of the strengths and challenges of applying SE to the energy transition, as well as identifying areas for improvement. 

Bio Teun Hendriks
Teun Hendriks is system architect and senior research fellow at TNO-ESI and has an educational background in Aerospace Technology. He worked as an architect at various high-tech companies before joining TNO-ESI. At TNO-ESI he focusses on systems architecting and (model-based) systems engineering methodologies. He is co-author of the TNO-ESI vision and outlook of Systems Architecting and Systems Engineering for the High-Tech Equipment Industry (see public report TNO-2024-R10542). Teun is member of INCOSE-NL.

Bio Marcel Willems
Marcel Willems holds a bachelor’s degree in technical computer science and a MsC in telematics. He has more than 25 years of experience in consulting and project management in the telecommunication, high voltage and asset management area. He works as a project manager at Enexis and was workplace leader for the H2020 Interflex project in the Netherlands.

Bio Frans Speelman
Frans Speelman is lead engineer for High Voltage Energy Systems at Stedin, a Dutch grid operator, and has a background in the electronic design and development of telecommunication systems. He led the Cross Product Systems Engineering team at Lucent Technologies and served as the technical manager for industrial automation at Croonwolter&dros. 

At HU University of Applied Sciences, he was a member of the Integral Design research group and is currently a member of the Supervisory Board at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences for the Master in Next Level Engineering (MNLE). 

As a member of INCOSE-NL, he contributes to a joint study of Dutch grid operators, the Transmission System Operator and TNO: ‘Future Energy System Systems Engineering’ (FuESSE), investigating options for accelerating and improving engineering productivity through the application of systems engineering.