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INCOSE-NL workshop
Ger Schoeber

Ger Schoeber


Workshop: CASA – The Home for Excellent Systems Architects and Excellent Systems Engineers! 

10:30 – 12:00

Systems Engineering exists already some 3/4 of a century.

We all know that over the years systems became more and more complex due to its, both transdisciplinary, and interconnected character. This complexity simply follows Moore’s Law on a steep exponential curve.

Systems Engineering is a means supporting us as Systems Engineers and Architects to oversee this complexity, provide technical leadership and making impactful decisions in a very early stage of the complex systems life cycle.

Various Systems Engineering models, frameworks, processes were developed and visualised, from Waterfalls, Staircases, Vees, Spirals, Loops, Circles. And nowadays I myself use the Square-Root model. Each of these have their differentiating values! In practice it all boils down to efficiency and effectiveness: as lazy as possible, creating max value.

CASA, the Cone for Advanced Systems Architecting, is a tool combining these models in single object: a Cone. In this workshop you will learn about this Cone, and get a first experience how to apply this cone for your own challenges, to: as lazy as possible, creating max value! 

Bio Ger Schoeber
Ger Schoeber studied electrical engineering, software and computer science and started his career as a software developer at Philips in 1984. Five years later he took post at High Tech Automation, a technical software service provider, and moved up to systems architecture and project management. In 2001 Schoeber founded Task Switch, his own consulting company on multidisciplinary systems architecting activities. In 2011 he became responsible for innovation and technology for the Hotraco Group, one of the global market leaders in livestock, conditioned storage and greenhouse automation. In 2021 Ger Schoeber joined Lightyear as group lead on Systems Engineering. Lightyear developed a super-efficient solar powered BEV. In May ’23 he took post as director Warehousing Strategy Systems & Solutions at Vanderlande. Schoeber combines these industrial activities already over 20 years with being a renowned trainer on Systems Architecting and Systems Thinking all over the globe via the High Tech Institute. Ger is also past-president of the INCOSE chapter of The Netherlands.